Tuesday, September 21, 2010

making a winning speech

As you ascend higher in your career, the ability to makewinning speeches is becoming more critical. Many analysts put the ability of Obama to delivery his mesmerizing keynote in 2004 as the single most important reason for his rise to the presidency.

What made him so charismatic? Why did the American listen to him and vote him?. The followings are the noted techniques that enriched his delivery.

1. Give them hope. This can be done if you yourself believe and remain hopeful. When the going gets tough, people are facing uncertainty, not sure of the future, you have to come strong and provide the reason why optimism is the right course. Despite the unpopular war in Iraq and the worst recession, Obama brought the message of hope.

2. Project Yourselves as a winner. A act with confident whatever the challenges you are facing. Put yourself as positive and healthy. Look at how Obama handled his earlier defeat at Hampshire. He delivered a speech full of optimism that rally his supporters behind him. This was what he said.. "we know the battle ahead will be long. but always remember, no matter what obstacles stand in the way, nothing can stand on the way of millions of voices calling for change.."

3. Use of Rich Imagery. To help the audience to create the mental pictures through your words, use the five senses of virtual, auditory, kinesthetic, smell and taste images. In 2004, Obama painted a picture of the hope, when he said..." it is the hope of slaves sitting around a fire singing freedom song, the hope of a young naval lieutenant bravely patrolling the Mekong Delta..."

4. Use of Figurative Language. The use metaphor will greatly strengthen your point. It is a way to give a new meaning to your words. The like of the cold war, when Churchill created the term.."the iron curtain" to describe the Russian.

5. Employ contrast: When Armstrong landed on the moon in 1969, he said,.. "one small step for man, one giant step for mankind". The method was used by Obama when he said.."tomorrow you will be able to choose a policy that invest in middle class and create jobs that this economy will grow so that everybody has a chance to succeed. Not just CEO, but secretary and the junitor.

Making speech is part of the necessary tool to influence others. Depending on the situation, the speech can be delivered with the intention to attract the emotional or the intellectual side of the listener.

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