Monday, September 20, 2010

Get Promoted

job progression
Moving up the rank in your job progression requires careful planning and proper execution. This is because the corporate world is very competitive, volatile and unpredictable. The best way to do is, to move up the ladder step by step and take time to scan the surrounding and reequip yourself.

Here are some tips:

a. Inspire trust.
In most cases, the bosses are under pressure to deliver and he is struggling to find someone he can trust to do the job. Trust has to be earned and the normal way of gaining trust is to deliver the assigned jobs. To be able to perform the task is only the starting point, as for you to move into the management position, you need to demonstrate the management capability.

Managing capability is different from the production capability. This is because, managing is getting the jobs done through other peoples. So beside the tasks skills, a manager has to have the human skills. There is a lot to learn in this area, the domain of knowledge include the affective domain, dealing with the soft aspect of the job.

b. make yourself indispensable.
Build up your capacity and offer to help the company and your bosses in his main areas of concern. It is important to make your boss looks good within the organisation. If you had done that, mot likely your boss will appreciate and depend on you for further assignments.

c. Know Your Job.
This is the most important, If you are promoted to a higher position, take time to learn and find ways to get people to advise you. You may now be responsible for other people's career, so be sensitive to their needs. It may be worth to remain at a certain level and build up your knowledge, rather than climbing up the ladder too quickly.

d. Lead wisely.
If you promotion is purely based on merit, then you can safety be proud and confident in your new post. Of course there will be jealous and dissatisfaction especially among your colleagues and more those who had be longer in the company.

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