Wednesday, November 16, 2011

selecting a career

A survey was made in 4 countries on how the people's focus in selecting a career . The details of the survey, was not available.

What is interesting, money or salary was ranked lower as compared to career development.

The result of the survey is given below..

a. When asked .. what do look for in selecting a career,
- 65% say career development. They love to be given the opportunity to grow.
- 19% say the work environment - a conducive place to spend the 8 hour per day. The people must be friendly and supportive. The physical environment to be healthy.
- Salary was chosen by only 15% of the respondences.
- less than 2% selected job title. It does not matter weather the job title is President or Manager. Probably the power within is more important.

b. When asked, what type of company do you select to work for... The answer reaffirm the selections made in the first question..

- about 40% said the work environment
- 33 % said the opportunities for career development.
- 22% said profitable company
- only 6% chose the job security.

I wonder how the result will for the same questions of selecting a career were asked 59 years ago. It think the results would be very different.