These are the suggestions of selecting your references:
1. Select the people that are comfortable to speak on your behalf. They may need more time to prepare and think about your request, so give them an ample notice. Selecting the wrong person to be the reference can backfire,for example, he may not remember you, and when the hiring manager contacts him, his response will be, "sorry, I do not know this person".
2. Dont be too selective about the job title, the reference is needed to provide evidence of past performance. The person can be your peers or even your own staff who can provide a positive feedback about your previous jobs and your character.
3. Remember that this is a small world, as such do not burn the bridge with your previous employers, your previous bosses or peers. The hiring person can easily contact them for feedback.
4. Tell the truth. It is very damaging to get a comment such as..' he did not do the project, I did it' or the worst can be " he is the type of person who do not tell the truth".
Hopefully you can have a better chance to get the job by giving your hiring person the right references.